Lot´s of updates – matches, new Videos, new stuff, new loads…..

Is it possible that it’s already half a year since my last post? Crazy….

There has been a lot going on so far – I shot some matches, gained new partners, got new gear, tested a lot and even changed some parts. But in Detail:

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Ready for the EHC 2016 Hungary!

Gun check at EHC 2016
Gun check at EHC 2016

alright – guns are checked in, ammo is clipped and bag is packed – I’m ready for the 2016 European Handgun championships in Hungary! Let the games begin! Today the opening ceremony and tomorrow, the match starts. I’m scheduled to shoot Monday and Wednesday in the afternoon and Tuesday and Friday in the morning. 4x6Stages. Let’s see, what the match brings… 🙂

stay tuned!