Welcome to my blog! This blog is about my favourite hobbies shooting (IPSC and Steelchallenge), Mini Coopers and Mountainbiking.
If you have questions, comments or annotations – please let me know and write me a comment!
Sascha Back
News about me and my hobbies
Welcome to my blog! This blog is about my favourite hobbies shooting (IPSC and Steelchallenge), Mini Coopers and Mountainbiking.
If you have questions, comments or annotations – please let me know and write me a comment!
Sascha Back
Gefeliciteerd met je 1e plek bij de Infinity Open.
Mooie overwinning, op naar de volgende :).
Gr. Lucien & karin.
Dank je well! Dit was een grote vreugde!
Tot de volgende keer bij het Steelchallenge,
Guter blog, Keep us updated!!!
DVC Chris
I´m IPSC shooter fro CZE and I read your commnets about a lightened bolt carrier and buffer in the Brian Enos´s forum. Could you write me your experience with it and how did you do it, please?
Hi Marek,
the lightning was done by my gunsmith. He milled some parts of the carrier.
-> see the pics there: https://www.saschaback.de/blog_neu/?p=236
In combination with a JP silent captured spring and a adjustable gas block and a Arredondo compensator, the action could be reduced to cut the push back very much. I’m pretty satisfied with it!
Best regards,
Hi Sascha!
I just found out about your blog from Tillman Keith, and I had to check it out. I have the Mr. Completely gun blog. I will add your blog URL to my blogroll, and put in a post mentioning your blog. It is always great to visit with you each year in Winterswijk. I hope the match is put on again this year, as I would like to compete there again. To me, it is the best steel match of the year, and I have been to a number of big ones.
Mike Gallion / AKA “Mr. Completely”
Hello Mike,
thanks for adding! Hope, you enjoyed my blog!
I’m very looking forward to the next Steelchallenge and to meet you again there! It’s always a pleasure! Unfortunately, I have no clue at the moment, when or if it’ll be held next year…
Best regards,