Neuer Artikel auf -> "Vorgehensweise beim Finden einer neuen Laborierung"

I´ve written an introduction about how to develop a new handload – maybe, this could be usefull for one or another? Continue reading “Neuer Artikel auf -> "Vorgehensweise beim Finden einer neuen Laborierung"”

Kahles stellt ein interessantes Detail auf der IWA vor

IWA is already some days ago, but I just found these pics of the very interesting Kahles ballistic quick change again on my mobile and thought, they might be interesting to Show. Guess, I´ll shortly Mount this on my Kahles also!
Continue reading “Kahles stellt ein interessantes Detail auf der IWA vor”

Top Wheelgunner Trophy Wintergames 2015 Babenhausen

These years Wintergames have been again a very interesting and challenging match. Guenther, Gegge and their whole Crew did a perfect Job in putting together and running this fine match! I shot my 929 again, as it´s allowed according to the actual geman rules to shoot it to capacity (Germany is IPSC Test Region this year for that) Continue reading “Top Wheelgunner Trophy Wintergames 2015 Babenhausen”